The Sean Conroy Lifeletter


I write, perform, and podcast comedy. I also write ABOUT doing all those things: like, things you can do if you want to become a TV comedy writer, why there’s no such thing as a bad improv suggestion, the advantages and disadvantages of editing your podcast, stuff like that; even extensively verbose descriptions of the mistakes I’ve made and survived (so far) in my time as a citizen of Earth. I also teach classes sometimes, as I have done for over 30 years.

If you’re interested in any of this, I send out an email every week. Subscribe below.

If not, feel free to move along.

(NB: Newsletter for edifying, inspiring, entertaining, and ignoring only. May cause drowsiness.)



“Your email letter brings me SUCH joy…” - Vinnie Urdea

“I love these…” - Amy Wilson

“I’m really loving (and sharing) the Lifeletter, BTW. Best 0¢ I ever spent!” - John-Thomas Mason

“The Lifeletter has been wonderful and I look forward to reading it each week. Thank you for making and sharing so many amazing things.” - Kevin Pankonen

“Love your mind, Sean. Thanks for doing these!”- Laurie Irwin